Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! Can you believe it? Your little one is now a year old. Congratulations Mom & Dad for making through your first year with this sweet child. This is such an exciting time and doing a Cake Smash session is a great way to not only celebrate it but also to remember it forever. Each cake smash session is custom to each family. We take time to plan out the colors and theme ahead of time. With all the planning that goes into your session making sure to book it at-least 3-4 weeks in advance is best so we have time to get everything together to make it perfect!

Time of Session: Your session will take about 45 minutes. We like to schedule the session when your little one will be in the best mood. That is normally after they have had a nap and are nice and full. We have plenty of open studio times through out the day to make sure we get the happiest baby during the session.

Before the Session: Little ones who have never had cake before I suggest about a week before your session give your child some cake so that they will get use to the taste and actually eat the cake when we do the session. If you choose not to do that then just bring snacks so that we can place them on the cake so it looks like they are eating it. 😉 We also like to either meet in person or do a video chat to determine the theme and decorations for the session. Make sure to fill out the Pre-Session Questionnaire prior to our meeting.

Day of Session: The day of the session make sure to give your little one a bath before so the are squeaky clean. Also the day of your session make sure to let them get a full nap in before your session and a full tummy.

What to Bring: Bring any outfits or decorations with you that we have planned on using. Also don’t for get about the cake or food item. I will have wipes and things to help clean up baby after session. We will normally stick to 1-2 outfits due to the fact that the more we change baby the more unsettled they will be. Another great thing to bring is a paci or bottle if they use them. Just incase they need some settling those items can help. Also bring some snacks that dissolve quickly like yogurt melts, puffs, ect. If you child has a “lovie” you can bring that as well, along with their favorite musical toy. Please try and keep those items hidden until we need them. 🙂 Also bring a change of clothes for not only the birthday boy or girl but you as well. No matter how much your little one dives into the cake you will get messy as well. They run or crawl over to you with their cake covered hands so be prepared to get messy too.

During the Session: Get ready to have some fun and to get messy! Just so you know that sometimes the children don’t always dive right into the cake and that is okay. It may take a while to adjust to the new surroundings and taste. We can still get amazing shots of them exploring the cake.  No matter how it goes it still will be a blast!

Reveal & Ordering Appointment: During your reveal you will return to the studio. Once you arrive you will get to view your images. Then we will walk through the images together and select the images you want to use in an album or artwork for you home. We have put together print collections to make it easier or you can create your own collection. A week or two later your products will be ready to be picked up!

If you are interested in booking your session message us today!

Make sure you fill out the Cake Smash Pre-Session Questionnaire