How will you remember your birth?


No matter how you give birth, at home, at the hospital, in the car, medicated or un-medicated or c-section, your birth is astonishing and it deserves to be captured.  The moment when you first see your child, that you grew for 9 months and felt kick over and over is finally in your arms. Words cannot accurately descibe the emotions you feel in that moment. With Birth Photography, we let you be in the moment completely while we document this amazing time. Once you get home the time during the birth and right after will be a blur, but when you see the images from your birth you get to re-live those moments and emotions all over again. Will your birth be a blur? Or will it last a lifetime?

“Touch is the most basic, the most nonconceptual form of communication that we have. In touch there are no language barriers; anything that can walk, fly, creep, crawl, or swim already speaks it.”

-Ina May Gaskin

Spiritual Miwifery

Birth photography has increased in popularity over the past 5 years and now it is common to hear of someone having a photographer at their birth. But Why? Why are so many people wanting to have someone photograph their birth? 

Well for starters birth is an amazing and special event in a families life. As you welcome your child into the world many parents are focused on the mother and the birthing process. They may snap a couple of pictures with their camera but they rarely get the moment of birth. When you hire a birth photographer you have someone that is completely dedicated to photographing the whole process. From the labor, to the birth, and the first time you both see your child these are moments you will not want to forget.